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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Elias James 1744-1789 (married to Ann Matson)

LOUDOUN COUNTY – WILL OF ELIAS JAMES ~ 1789  Transcribed and submitted by Jo Anne Momburg,
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 Will of Elias James  signed 29 May 1789  found in Loudoun Co., VA Will Book "D", pg. 102.    Regarding Elias James, Jo Anne writes, "Elias James was born in Upper Merion,  Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania 11 Feb 1743/44. M. Anna MATSON. Served as  private in Revolutionary War and then moved to Loudoun County where he died  1789, Anna died 1827. Elias was the son of Thomas JAMES. Children of Elias and  Anna were Thomas, Hannah, Anne, Isaac, James and Elias. [This will was] copied  as written without any corrections as to spelling or punctuation. Items were  paragraphed to make for easier reading." - Jo Anne Momburg.   *********   I Elias James of the County of Loudan in the State of Virginniah Cooper being  some afflicted in body but of perfect Mind and memory thanks be given unto God  for the same and calling to mind the mortalyty of my body and that it is  appointed for all men once to die. I therefore commend my soul to him Who gave  it and do ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form as  Followeth.  
First I imprimise I will that all my Just debts ???? and funeral charges be paid  and discharged by my Ex. hereafter named, 
2nd Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Anne one square walnut table  two chears, one fether bed bedsted and beding one chest of drawers one Iron pott  one duch oven one frying pan one buckat one wash Tub one flatiron one peuter  bason three peuter plates one peuter Dish three spoons one peuter Tea pott and  sugar bowl three tea Cups and sausers one tea kittle one tin pan two tin cups  two Erthen dishes two mich? pans one erthen pott two white plates two Knives and  forks these for her to enjoy while she remains my Widow or dureing her life  which ever first then she shall return To our children that may then survive  shere and shere alike. 
3 Item. I give and bequeth onto my son Thomas James all my Right and title of a  lott of leace land that I now live on containing one hundred acres with the  buildings and aperteneces thereonto belonging to him his Heirs and assigns he  yealding and paying his mother yearly and every Year dureing her natural life or  the Expiration of the above leace which ever first the sum of two pounds  virginnia currency. I also give and bequeath my said Son Thomas my little mare  and colt saddle and bridle one gun and Tackle. 
4th Item. I give and bequeath onto omy son, Isaac James all my Right and Title  of my other Lott of leace land containing One hundred and two acres with all the  Buildings and apertenances thereonto belonging to him his heir and assigs he  Yealding and paying his mother yearly and every year during her Natural life or  till the expiration of the leace which ever first The sum of two pounds  Virginnia Currency.  5th Item. I give and bequeath unto James Nichols married To my Daughter Ann she  being since decesed one dollar and one third. 
6th Item. I give and bequeath onto my Daughter Hannah James one fether bed  bedsted and beding one cherry bed bed sted and beding one wool wheel one flax  wheel one check Reell one large trunk one small walnut box one iron pott one  flatiron one pair wool cards the new velvet side sadle and a Bridle also all the  dresser furniture tea and coffee ware except Above excepted for her mother also  the bigg looking glass with all the drinking bowls and glasses. 
7th Item. I will that all My wareing aperell be equally divided between my two  sons Thomas and Isaac and all my books of devinity be equally Divided among all  my children and the younger ones then to Carefully presarved till the come of  age.
8th Item. I give and Bequeath onto my two youngest sons James James and Elias  James all that I shall hereafter in any wisesoever Posses equell shere and shere  alike only James to have three Pounds the most I also will that their legeces be  places out on Interest for their benefit till the come of age and the to be  Bound out to good Trads sufitiant schooling till the Age of twenty. 
9th. I also nominate constitue and apoint My son Thomas James and my trusty  friends Abner Osburn and Owen Thomas to be my whole and sole Exrs of this my  last Will and Testament and Revoak disannul? utterly make Void all former Wills  by me in aneywise made ????fying and Confirming this and no other to be my last  will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this  29th date of may 1789. Elias James Signed sealed published and Declared by the  said Elias James The testator as and for his last will and Testament in the  presence of us who have subscirbed our names And at the request of the said  Testator  James Currell Thomas Humphrey Junior Thomas Humphrey.  At a Court held for Loudoun County October the 12th 1789 This will was proved by  the Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded and on the motion of Thomas  James one of the Executors therein named who made oath according to law the  other Executors Having refused to Qualify, Certificate is Granted him for  obtaining a probate thereof in due form giving security whereupon he with Abner  Osborne and Owen Thomas entred into acknowledged Their Bond in the penalty of  Five hundred pounds conditioned as the law Directs of Ann James widow and Relict  of this decedant. Personally appeared in Court and relinquished any benefit she  may Have in the said Will.  

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